Retirement Planning Is A Challenge For The Sandwich Generation
If you’re age 40 to 59, and providing monetary support for your parents and children, you’re considered part of The Sandwich...
Can A “Grey Divorce” Threaten Your Federal Retirement?
Over the last decade, divorce among couples in their 50s is increasingly on the rise. This growing trend has come to be known as...
5 Potential Gaps You May Have In Your Retirement Plan
You may think you have all the bases covered with your current retirement plan. Then again, if you have one or more of these blind spots,...
Pros & Cons Of The FERS Special Retirement Supplement (SRS)
The FERS Special Retirement Supplement (SRS) fills the gap between your MRA and age 62, which is when you’re first eligible for Social...
Are You Eligible For An Immediate FERS Retirement?
There are two factors involved when determining your eligibility to retire with an unreduced, immediate annuity (pension) under FERS: ...
Discover How Selling Your Home Can Help Fund Your Retirement
Thinking of selling your home before retirement? With some strategic planning, you can use the proceeds from the sale to create added...
Are You Headed Into Retirement With A TSP Loan?
There are a number of reasons why taking out a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Loan may seem attractive to federal employees. With interest rates...
Have You Saved Enough For A Very Long Retirement?
A survey conducted by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) revealed a number of interesting viewpoints on this topic...
Accurately Calculating Your Retirement Income
At the macro level, planning a financially-secure FERS retirement requires knowing how much income you can count on to cover all of your...
Reasons To Avoid Taking A TSP Loan
What is your highest value, financial asset right now? If you crunch the numbers, you’ll likely find that the balance of your Thrift...