Do You Have Your Financial Ducks In A Row?
If you’re heading into retirement without a firm financial plan, the transition may be more difficult. Here are a few tips to help get...
Pros and Cons Of Retiring Overseas
There’s no doubt about it – the cost of living in the US is much higher than most other parts of the world. In fact, when US expats...
Will You Outlive Your Retirement Savings?
Survey after survey shows that the most consistent concern for working Americans is outliving their retirement savings. In fact, for those...
Realities To Consider If You’re Thinking About Retiring Soon
If you’re thinking about retiring soon, there are several realities to consider before you submit your FERS retirement application. Will...
Financial Threats To Your Retirement
Even the most well-planned retirement can be blindsided by an unexpected financial threat. That’s why it’s important to anticipate the...
Can You Really Afford To Age In Place?
A growing number of pre-retirees say they plan to age in place once they retire from the workforce. The big question: can you afford to...