Spreading Out Taxes On TSP Distributions Before RMDs Kick In
It’s a fact — your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) will increase if you maintain high tax-deferred balances in your...
Are You Headed Into Retirement With A TSP Loan?
playht_listen_button inline=”yes” tag=”p” There are a number of reasons why taking out a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)...
Understanding FERS Interim Retirement Payments
As a FERS participant retiring with an immediate annuity it’s important to understand you will not get your first pension check...
3 Common Myths About The Roth TSP
According to the latest data, only around 20% of TSP participants are taking advantage of the Roth TSP. Of those who have a Roth TSP, their...
Understanding Your TSP Options In Retirement
Have you thought about what you’re going to do with the balance in your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) when you retire? Since you can no...
IRS Rules For Taking RMDs From Multiple Accounts
As you know, your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is not tax free. It’s simply tax deferred until you start taking distributions during your...
The Pros & Cons Of TSP Loans
Taking out a loan against your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) balance instead of taking an in-service withdrawal may seem like a good idea. An...
A Roth TSP Can Be Your Tax-Free Emergency Fund In Retirement
Financial experts agree that retirees need emergency funds to cover unexpected expenses when they’re living on a fixed income. Perhaps...
Are You Taking Advantage Of The TSP Agency Match?
Research conducted by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) revealed that far too many federal workers were not...