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How Qualifying Life Events Affect Your FEHB Coverage In Retirement

Dailyfed Staff

October 6, 2023

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According to the OPM, you can make changes to your FEHB insurance coverage outside of Open Season when you experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). If the event falls within the requirements for a QLE, you have 60 days from the date of the event to make a change to your healthcare plan under FEHB.

When You Move To Another State 

When you relocate outside the geographic area of your FEHB provider’s network, you need to contact OPM to discuss changing plans. Other reasons to contact OPM when you move to another state include providing your new address to receive information on your retirement benefits and any change in banking institutions that affect direct deposits of your annuity.

When You Divorce

A divorce is considered a QLE because an ex-spouse is no longer a family member and they cannot be covered under your family FEHB plan. If a divorce court order says you must continue to provide a survivor annuity or health benefits for a former spouse, you must send a certified copy of the court order, including any attachments, to:

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management,

Retirement Operations Center,

P.O. Box 45, Boyers, PA 16017-0045

When You Marry 

You can add a new spouse to your FEHB coverage either 31 says before your marriage or 60 days after you marry. You’ll have to send a copy of your marriage certificate to the OPM’s Pennsylvania address above. If you miss the 60-day window, you can add a new spouse during the next FEHB Open Season. 

“The death of your spouse can also affect your annuity if you elected a spousal survivor annuity when you retired.”

Death Of A Spouse

Send a copy of your spouse’s death certificate to the OPM’s Pennsylvania address above. If you have no other family members covered by your FEHB plan, you may want to change to a Self-Only Plan. The death of your spouse can also affect your annuity if you elected a spousal survivor annuity when you retired. If this is the case, the OPM will usually increase your annuity after receiving your spouse’s death certificate.

When The Annuitant Dies

It’s important for your family members to know they must contact OPM immediately when you pass away. Remember – it’s illegal to use any funds sent to an annuitant after their death and these funds must be returned to OPM. You must complete the appropriate forms and attach a copy of the employee’s death certificate plus a copy of the widowed spouse’s marriage certificate.

For complete information, including access to other helpful OPM publications and forms, download this pamphlet: www.opm.gov/retirement-services/publications-forms/pamphlets/ri38-126.pdf

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