Should You Take The Standard Deduction Or Itemize When Filing Your Taxes?
With two options for taking deductions on your tax return, it’s important to understand the facts. A majority of taxpayers opt for the...
5 Things You Need To Know About Medicare Before You Turn 65
As discussed in a recent article, under federal law you’re required to make a decision about enrolling in Medicare when you turn 65....
Estate Planning: The Importance Of Preparing A Power Of Attorney
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear that anyone can become incapacitated at any time for unforeseen reasons. In fact, research...
Managing Your Money In Retirement
The best way to ensure against outliving your TSP nest egg is to make an effort to manage your spending in retirement. Current studies show...
Start Living On Your Retirement Income While You’re Working
The best way to discover if you can afford to retire is to start living on your retirement income while you’re still working. When you...
How TSP RMDs & Rollovers Work At Age 73
Why does the IRS want you to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your traditional Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) at age 73? The...
Understanding The Lump Sum Payment For Accrued Annual Leave
Have you ever wondered why so many federal workers pick a retirement date toward the end of the calendar year? The logic is simple —...
The Importance Of Your Official Personnel Folder (OPF)
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when applying for your federal retirement is waiting until the last minute to check the accuracy...