How FEHB & Medicare Work Together In Retirement
As you know, on your 65th birthday you become eligible for Medicare Parts A and B. Though you don’t have to sign up for benefits if...
Is It Time For A Beneficiary Check-Up?
If you can’t remember who you chose as your TSP or FEGLI beneficiary, it’s time for a beneficiary check-up. This includes updating...
Retiring Early Under FERS: Deferred Or Postponed?
When retiring early under FERS, you have two choices: a Deferred Retirement or a Postponed Retirement. With a Deferred Retirement you...
Pros & Cons Of Long Term Care Insurance
At the end of the day, the pros and cons of purchasing Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance depend entirely on your personal situation – from...
Would A Phased Retirement Work For You?
As a relatively new retirement option, federal agencies began using phased retirement in 2014. The program enables eligible employees to...
Would A Phased Retirement Work For You?
As a relatively new retirement option, federal agencies began using phased retirement in 2014. The program enables eligible employees to...
Medicare Advantage Plans Designed Exclusively For Federal Employees
With Medicare Advantage plans becoming additional options in the FEHB program, it’s important to understand the basic facts before you...
Are You Headed Into Retirement With A TSP Loan?
playht_listen_button inline=”yes” tag=”p” There are a number of reasons why taking out a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)...
Should You Replace A FERS Survivor Annuity With Life Insurance?
Though this topic has been mentioned in another article, it deserves further discussion: should you elect “No Survivor Annuity” on your...
What Your TSP Beneficiaries Need To Know
Let’s start with an important question: do you recall who you listed as your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) beneficiary should you pass away?...