How Qualifying Life Events Affect Your FEHB Coverage In Retirement
According to the OPM, you can make changes to your FEHB insurance coverage outside of Open Season when you experience a Qualifying Life...
Life Insurance: Understanding The Basics
If you’re considering purchasing a private life insurance policy to help out your family in the event of your death, it’s important to...
The Importance Of Advance Healthcare Directives
Becoming incapacitated by a medical crisis is a reality we can’t ignore as we grow older. An Advance Healthcare Directive can help ensure...
3 Common Myths About The Roth TSP
According to the latest data, only around 20% of TSP participants are taking advantage of the Roth TSP. Of those who have a Roth TSP, their...
IRS Rules For Taking RMDs From Multiple Accounts
As you know, your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is not tax free. It’s simply tax deferred until you start taking distributions during your...
Bereavement Leave for Federal Employees Explained
Bereavement leave is perhaps the only official leave from work we all dread having. Nevertheless, there is some comfort in knowing you...
Free Money: The TSP Agency Match
Though similar to 401(k) retirement savings plans in the private sector, the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) offers a better value in two...
You Can’t Assume You’ll Be Eligible For The FERS Supplement
As a FERS participant you may be counting on the FERS Supplement as added income if you’re planning on retiring before age 62. Not so...