Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Private Life Insurance
As you get closer to retirement, it’s important to understand that your FEGLI premiums increase as you age especially after you turn age...
Life Insurance: Understanding The Basics
If you’re considering purchasing a private life insurance policy to help out your family in the event of your death, it’s important to...
3 Common Myths About The Roth TSP
According to the latest data, only around 20% of TSP participants are taking advantage of the Roth TSP. Of those who have a Roth TSP, their...
OPM Report: Higher Premiums For FLTCIP
In a report prepared by the OPM’s Inspector General, federal workers who have purchased a policy from the Federal Long Term Care...
Estate Planning: It’s Time To Organize Your Documents
If you’ve already drawn up your Last Will & Testament, Power of Attorney and Healthcare Directives, good for you. You’re in a...
Affordable Alternatives To Long-Term Care Insurance
In the summer of 2022, OPM announced the likelihood of higher premiums for federal workers who purchase a Federal Long Term Care Insurance...
How Can I Get A Copy Of My FERS Retirement Statement?
It is common for annuitants to require a new copy of their FERS retirement statement. They might want to show their retirement income to a...