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Mark Your Calendar For The Next FEHB Open Season

Dailyfed Staff

May 26, 2024

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The next Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Open Season will run from November 11, 2024, through December 9, 2024. This is when you can make changes to your FEHB plan that will take effect in 2025.

Why Open Season Is Important

Most FEHB plans will have premium and benefit changes for the upcoming year. Add to this, some plans may be dropping out of the program while others may be changing service areas or coverage options. Open Season enables you to compare plans and make the changes you need to ensure you have the right coverage for you and your family in 2025. Even better — there are no waiting periods and no limitations for pre-existing conditions when you make changes during Open Season.

Tips For Comparing FEHB Plans

When your healthcare needs change it makes sense to change your insurance plan. Open Season is the time to consider what your needs are likely to be in 2025 and whether or not you can save on out-of-pocket costs for the upcoming year. Take the time to compare the brochures for different plans and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will my spouse or I need surgery next year?
  • Will our prescription needs change in 2025?
  • Will we only need routine dental care or more extensive dental care? 
  • Are any services we may need next year excluded from our current plan(s)?

Remember — if you do nothing during Open Season you’ll continue to be covered by your current health and dental plans.

“If your enrollment is affected, you’ll receive a letter stating that your plan is no longer participating in the FEHB Program or that it’s no longer providing services in your area.”

How Your FEHB Enrollment Can Be Impacted

Even if you’re satisfied with your FEHB coverage, you may have to choose another plan if your current plan:

  • Leaves the FEHB Program entirely.
  • Reduces its service area and eliminates its enrollment code.
  • Reduces its service area and keeps its enrollment code.
  • Drops a coverage option.

If your enrollment is affected, you’ll receive a letter stating that your plan is no longer participating in the FEHB Program or that it’s no longer providing services in your area. It’s important to follow the instructions in the letter you receive from your plan.

Making Changes Outside Of Open Season   You can make changes to your FEHB coverage outside of Open Season when you experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) as determined by the OPM. These include a change in family status like a marriage or divorce; a change in employment status; or when you or a family member lose FEHB or other healthcare coverage. For complete information, go to the OPM website page on QLEs.

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