Why Working Till Age 62 Makes Sense For FERS Participants
Let’s face it – if there’s one thing we’ve learned in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic is that the unexpected can happen at...
How To Calculate Your Net Retirement Income
Once you retire from federal service, you’ll no longer pay FICA or Medicare taxes and your contributions to your FERS pension and TSP...
Your FERS Retirement: It’s Complicated!
As a federal employee, your retirement benefits are arguably the best in the nation. On the other hand, things can get complicated when...
2023 Retirement To-Do List For The New Year
If you’re five to 10 years away from retirement it’s important to conduct a yearly review to make sure your finances are on track....
Your Federal Retirement: Best Dates To Retire In 2023
If you’re thinking of retiring in 2023, it’s not too early to start picking a date. For federal employees covered under the Civil...
2023 Annual Contribution Limits For TSP
Since inflation has been at a record high, it has increased the annual TSP contribution limits because they’re subject to annual cost of...
Understanding How Inflation Impacts Purchasing Power
There’s a certain amount of inflation that we learn to live with year after year. If you found a $20 bill that was tucked into a book 20...
Recent Survey Reveals Why Americans Are Delaying Retirement
A new survey conducted during the summer of 2022 revealed 25% of pre-retirees have decided to delay their retirement a few more years. With...
Your Biggest Retirement Expense: Housing
When planning your retirement you need to understand that your biggest expense will always be housing plus the expenses related to...