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How Can I Get A Copy Of My FERS Retirement Statement?

Dailyfed Staff

July 21, 2023

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It is common for annuitants to require a new copy of their FERS retirement statement. They might want to show their retirement income to a mortgage lender or the state income tax office, which would require that the applicant send in a copy of their statement. However, few people know the correct procedure for getting a copy of their FERS retirement statement. 

What is a FERS Retirement Statement?

In 1986, congress implemented the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), which covered the retirement coverage of federal civilian employees. 

The FERS retirement statement details the retirement benefits to federal employees from three sources:

The Basic Benefit Plan

Social Security

Thrift Savings Plan

Other than the basic benefit plan, the benefits can move to your next job should you leave the Federal Government. If you retire as a federal employee, you get all three benefits. 

FERS Eligibility 

Your eligibility for a FERS retirement statement depends on your age and the number of service years. You must reach the minimum retirement age (65) before you are able to receive your FERS benefits. The exact eligibility can vary depending on the category you fall into when applying:





How to Apply for FERS

To apply for FERS benefits, you must submit a retirement application, the standard form 3107. You can submit your application to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. 

Get a Copy of Your FERS Retirement Statement

Do you want a new copy of your FERS retirement statement to verify your annuity? You might be asked to send a copy of your statement when applying for a mortgage or a loan, so you must know how to get the copy. 

The process is simple and can be completed within minutes. One method is to contact the OPM retirement office by calling  1-888-767-6738 or emailing them at retire@opm.gov. The phone line is open from 7:30 am to 7:45 pm (EST). However, the phone lines are often busy. 

Another quick way to get a copy of your FERS statement is to get it online. Simply follow the steps below:

Log in to your online OPM retirement service account. You must have your login credentials, which you got when you first applied for FERS. 

Go to Menu and click on the “Annuity Statement” option.

Select the payment period. You can choose the latest month where you received or will receive your FERS benefits. You can ask the institution you are applying for which one they require. 

You will see your FERS retirement statement pop up in the window. You can then save or print it using the print icon in the upper right corner. This will download or print your statement. 

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