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Update: Government Shutdown Averted Until March 2024

Dailyfed Staff

February 13, 2024

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On January 18, 2024, the House of Representatives passed a stopgap bill to fund the federal government through early March to avoid a government shutdown. Known as a Continuing Resolution (CR), the bill extends last fiscal year’s spending levels until March 1 for the Departments of Energy, Transportation, Agriculture, Veterans Affairs and military housing, and the Food and Drug Administration. All other agencies are funded until March 8. The House approved the bill with a 314-108 vote while the Senate passed it with a 77-18 vote. This is the third stopgap funding bill since the November 2023 CR extended funding through January 19 and February 2, 2024.

Will A Fourth CR Be Necessary?

Time may be running out for passing the 12 bipartisan bills needed to provide the full-year budget before March. The House of Representatives is taking a two-week break starting on February 16th while members of the Senate are out of town from February 8th through February 26th. This means the House and Senate will have only seven days together in Washington before the first deadline on March 1st. As a result, a number of lawmakers expect another CR will be passed to extend the deadline yet again. If not, a government shutdown may be unavoidable.  

“Since Social Security is not funded by appropriation bills, you will also continue to receive your benefit checks.”

How Workers & The Military Are Affected By A Shutdown  

Millions of GS workers will likely be furloughed or required to work without pay. A furlough places an employee in a temporary non-duty, non-pay status while “excepted” workers continue to work essential jobs without pay. For more information, see “Furlough Guidance” on the OPM website.

Without new legislation authorizing military pay during a shutdown, millions of active-duty service members will continue to work without pay or stay at home without a paycheck. Military commissaries located in the U.S. and abroad can stay open without appropriations but, when funds run out, only overseas and remote locations stay open.

Will A Shutdown Affect Retirement Applications?

OPM Retirement Services can process your retirement application if you submitted it to your agency before the shutdown began. Otherwise you can expect a delay especially if your agency is among those to be shut down. If you’re already retired, a shutdown will not affect your annuity (pension) payments. Since Social Security is not funded by appropriation bills, you will also continue to receive your benefit checks.

However, IRS offices and Social Security offices usually close during a shutdown. Other services affected includeHead Start and Meals on Wheels in addition to the closing of National parks and museums.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-congress-scrambles-pass-stopgap-bill-avert-government-shutdown-2024-01-18/

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