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How To Expedite Your FERS Retirement Application

FFEBA Contributor

July 17, 2024

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As you know, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is usually dealing with a backlog of pending retirement applications which can delay when you start receiving your full pension (annuity) check.

However, the top reasons for these processing delays are FERS participants failing to submit a complete and accurate application and waiting until the last minute to submit it to their agency. Here are some ways to help expedite your retirement application.

Check Your OPF (eOPF) For Accuracy

Now that most agencies have transitioned to the eOPF, you can easily download and save your entire personnel file. To access your eOPF, contact your Human Resources (HR) office or the personnel department of your federal agency for instructions. The documents in your eOPF establish your employment history including your grades, pay, and record of participation in FEHB and FEGLI.

Check your SF-50 forms for accuracy well before your retirement date to give yourself time to make any corrections. Believe it or not, missing signatures and misspelled names are two of the most common reasons for processing delays. If you find errors, notify your agency’s personnel office immediately.

“Even if you’re not ready to submit your retirement application any time soon, the OPM Quick Guide can help prepare you for the day you do.”

Use The OPM Retirement Quick Guide For Voluntary Retirement

The 3-page Quick Guide outlines steps in the retirement process and is designed to answer the most frequent questions about applying for retirement. It includes a “Tracking Your Retirement” Worksheet that enables you to enter the date of your separation and get the latest timeline estimate. The timeline estimate countdown tracks:  

  • Agency & Payroll Processing (approximately 30 to 45 days)
  • OPM Application Intake (approximately 10 to 15 days)
  • OPM Application Processing (approximately 50 to 90 days)

Even if you’re not ready to submit your retirement application any time soon, the OPM Quick Guide can help prepare you for the day you do. Keep in mind, during the application processing stage, the OPM will calculate your interim annuity payment which is approximately 60% to 80% of your finalized net payment for most people. To check the status of your interim annuity you can go to OPM Retirement Services Online, log into your account, then click Interim Pay Case Status.

Submit Your FERS Retirement Application Early

Another way to help expedite the retirement process is to file your retirement application early. Make sure to give your agency at least 60 days of notice before the actual date you intend to retire. When you do your part to expedite the processing of your FERS retirement application, you help make the transition as smooth as possible.

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