Dealing With A Debt Collector
From unexpected expenses to healthcare emergencies, there are many unforeseen events that can send your finances into a spiral. If you’re...
Budget Strategies For The New Year
Several surveys show that one of the most common New Year’s resolutions is saving more money. A key to accomplishing this goal is to set...
AI’s Role In Personal Finances
More than a few of us have a “friend in the industry” that we corner at cocktail parties asking for advice about our personal finances....
Estate Planning Misconceptions & Realities
One of the most common misconceptions about estate planning is that it’s only about protecting assets like your cars, boats, and...
How Schedule F Could Impact Federal Employees
Executive Order 13957, also known as Schedule F, was advanced in October 2020 with an implementation date of January 2021. The plan,...
Required Minimum Distributions Explained
When you put money into your TSP or other tax-advantaged retirement accounts, the contributions you make have not been subject to income...
End-of-Year Tax Strategy
The year is quickly drawing to a close, so it’s important to take a moment and review your tax strategy. Though it might seem daunting...
Finding Balance in Your Balance
It’s no doubt reassuring to log in to your checking account and find a healthy balance, but when that amount gets too high, it might be...
HELOCs – Powerful Tool or Risky Gamble
As inflation and rising costs continue to plague consumers, home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) have surged in popularity, with balances...