Retiring Early Under FERS: Deferred Or Postponed?
When retiring early under FERS, you have two choices: a Deferred Retirement or a Postponed Retirement. With a Deferred Retirement you...
Should You Work With A Qualified Retirement Advisor?
As a federal employee, you have some of the best retirement benefits in the country: your FERS annuity, Social Security and the Thrift...
Should You Wait Till Age 65 Or Older To Retire?
There are a number of good reasons why FERS employees should wait until age 62 to retire. The advantages we’ve discussed before include:...
Would A Phased Retirement Work For You?
As a relatively new retirement option, federal agencies began using phased retirement in 2014. The program enables eligible employees to...
Would A Phased Retirement Work For You?
As a relatively new retirement option, federal agencies began using phased retirement in 2014. The program enables eligible employees to...
Money Alone Can’t Create Happiness In Retirement
Of course, financial security in retirement goes a long way in eliminating stress and providing peace of mind. However, as a federal...
Knowing What You Can and Can’t Control In Retirement
When you’re planning for retirement it’s important to understand there are factors you can control and other realities you can’t...
Spreading Out Taxes On TSP Distributions Before RMDs Kick In
It’s a fact — your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) will increase if you maintain high tax-deferred balances in your...
3 Potential Drawbacks To Retiring Early
There’s a new movement in retirement planning called F.I.R.E. It stands for “Financial Independence, Retire Early.” It’s based on a...
Are You Headed Into Retirement With A TSP Loan?
playht_listen_button inline=”yes” tag=”p” There are a number of reasons why taking out a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)...